Serving and advocating for young mothers and babies since 1996
Divine Mercy House (DMH) is a Christian maternity home for women ages 18 to 28 facing a crisis pregnancy, with little to no help available to them, and who courageously choose life for their unborn babies. Open to women of all faiths, we provide a loving and nurturing environment to meet the physical, spiritual, emotional, and educational needs of each mother and her child. Since its inception in 1996, DMH has served over 100 women, averaging 6-10 per year. Whether a woman decides to parent or place the baby for adoption, all expectant mothers in our residential program receive holistic care and support throughout pregnancy and beyond.
No two situations are the same, and our staff work fervently to tailor our program to serve and advocate for each woman and child well. We receive women into our home following the first trimester of pregnancy, and on average, women stay at DMH six to eight months postpartum. We invite you to explore our online home, and use the form at the bottom of this page to contact us.
(904) 268-6282
Our Services
We promote each woman's choice to give life to her unborn baby and establish an environment wherein that choice may be realized. This includes a focus on access to prenatal care, teaching proper nutrition and wellness, counseling, birth preparations, and postpartum care.
We intentionally teach new skills that will carry each woman for life, outside of the home. Practical tools including proper baby care and parenting, health and exercise, preparing meals, financial management, communication, and healthy relationships, help set a solid foundation for a prosperous future.
We facilitate personal educational success to enhance the woman's ability to achieve financial independence. Our focus includes assistance with completing a GED or college degree, developing job-seeking skills, preparing for interviews, and obtaining stable employment.
We develop self-esteem, strong character, and spirituality--promoting the breaking of negative cycles. Women are encouraged to attend weekly religious services, gather daily for prayer and Bible study, and volunteer--all while residing in a Christ-centered community.
Contact us.
“But Jesus said, “let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”